🔥🏉 Fines for Mad Monday Trip 🏉🔥

🔥🏉 Fines for Mad Monday Trip 🏉🔥

Here are the fines to keep everyone in check and raise money for your 2024 Trip:
🕒 Late to Training: $5 for being 5 min late, plus an extra $1 for every 10 min after.
❌ Missing Training: That's a $10 hit to your wallet.
👖 Compression Wear Overload: $2 for every extra piece worn.
🚫 Sporting Another Club's Gear: Don't do it! It'll cost you $3.
💆‍♂️ Massage Table Lingerers: $4 if you spend more than 15 min on the table.
🎾 First Out in Kick Tennis: Be prepared to pay $5 for being the first one out.
🚿 Sharing Isn't Caring: $3 for using someone else's shower gel or soap.
🛁 Towel Trespassing: $3 for borrowing someone else's towel.
🏃‍♂️ Early Departure: Leaving training early? That's $5 out of your pocket.
💢 Shin Splint Complainers: $4 if you're caught complaining about shin splints.
🏈 Losing a Football: Whoops! That'll be $10.
👕 Rep Side Gear Offenders: $5 for wearing rep side gear to training.
🛍️ Borrowing Rep Gear: Double trouble! $10 if you're caught wearing someone else's rep gear.
🤕 Training Injury: $5 for getting injured at training.
📱 Phone Addicts: $8 if you're caught checking your phone 10 min before or after training.
🗣️ Nickname Slip-Up: $3 for calling someone by their nickname during training.
🍻 Early Pub Departure: Leaving the pub early when it's your shout? That's a hefty $15 fine.
🎉 Missed Club Function: $7 if you're a no-show at a club function.
👕 Game Day Gear: $5 for not wearing club apparel on game day.
🗳️ Players' Player Blunder: $5 for voting for yourself as Players' Player.
👚 Unwashed Game Clothes: $4 for neglecting to wash your game clothes.
🚿 Post-Game Shower Skip: $6 for not showering after a game.
🍻 Post-Game Pub Skip: $5 for not coming back to the pub or club after a game.